Thursday, July 2, 2009

Birthday Giveaway!

To celebrate my birthday, I am having another giveaway! If you win, you get $10.00 towards anything that I sell! That could buy you some binky clips, a bib/burp set or $10.00 towards a nursing cover or car seat canopy! To enter, just leave a comment telling me your favorite item from my Etsy shop HERE! For an extra entry, just follow me and leave me a comment letting me know that you did. For a final entry, blog or twitter about my giveaway and let me know! You have until 11:59 pm on Thursday, July 9th to enter! Good luck!


  1. Hopping by from the blog hop to say hello. Have a fun and safe Independents Day :)

  2. I love the tutus! Hoppin in to say hi, hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I love your carseat covers. Very cute fabrics!!

  4. i like the blossoms bib/burp set

  5. I am now a follower through Google Friends :)

  6. I love the Stars Wipe Case it's so cute and like something my sister would love! :)

  7. I'm ZombieIrish on etsy too--

    I love the stars wipe case! I'm not a momma or anything, so this was an item I found cute AND relevant to me <3
